The Gracious Bend of the Snow-Laden Evergreen

Bearing the weight of snow on each branch
The evergreen tree stands tall
Bending, but strong
A force through the cold
She may slow down her pace, but won’t fall

Year ‘round, she’s alive, pressing on
Rooted deep in the earth
A symbol of endurance, life, strength, and hope

Every day showing her worth

A canopy of warmth under snow-laden branches

She’s faithful to protect and provide

A place of safety and rest

With pinecones and berries

A cozy bed and breakfast outside

The evergreen’s gracious with all she can bear

Knowing when to let go

Bending branches, tips touch the ground

Arching under blankets of snow

A sprinkle of green in the grey-white of winter

A safe haven and symbol of life
The gracious bend of the snow-laden branches

On the evergreen, steady through strife

Will I bend with the weight?

When the swirling snow falls

Branches exhausted and heavy

Can I bear it all?

Yes, I’ll bend and I’ll grow

Branches reach toward the light

Persevering with courage

Through each day and each night

I know where I’m rooted

I’m resilient and strong

My steadfast hope gives me life

All winter long

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